A dictionary is a dictionary. It's a lookup and contains key value pair. Dictionaries are mutable.
#create an empty dictionary
>>> capital = {}
@asssign elements to the dictionary
>>> capital['India'] = 'Delhi'
>>> capital['Germany'] = 'Berlin'
#print the dictionary
>>> capital
{'Germany': 'Berlin', 'India': 'Delhi'}
#Show all the keys
>>> capital.keys()
['Germany', 'India']
#show all values
>>> capital.values()
['Berlin', 'Delhi']
#show both key value pair
>>> capital.items()
[('Germany', 'Berlin'), ('India', 'Delhi')]
#check if key exists
>>> capital.has_key('Germany')
#Making a deep copy. Changing in copy does not change original and vice versa
>>> capital_copy = capital.copy()
>>> print(capital_copy)
{'India': 'Delhi', 'Germany': 'Berlin'}
#deleting an element
>>> del capital['India']
#Trying to delete a non existant element
>>> del capital['Bhutan']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'Bhutan'
#create an empty dictionary
>>> capital = {}
@asssign elements to the dictionary
>>> capital['India'] = 'Delhi'
>>> capital['Germany'] = 'Berlin'
#print the dictionary
>>> capital
{'Germany': 'Berlin', 'India': 'Delhi'}
#Show all the keys
>>> capital.keys()
['Germany', 'India']
#show all values
>>> capital.values()
['Berlin', 'Delhi']
#show both key value pair
>>> capital.items()
[('Germany', 'Berlin'), ('India', 'Delhi')]
#check if key exists
>>> capital.has_key('Germany')
#Making a deep copy. Changing in copy does not change original and vice versa
>>> capital_copy = capital.copy()
>>> print(capital_copy)
{'India': 'Delhi', 'Germany': 'Berlin'}
#deleting an element
>>> del capital['India']
#Trying to delete a non existant element
>>> del capital['Bhutan']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'Bhutan'
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