Saturday, August 30, 2014

Spring Hibernate jQuery Tiles Web Application with Source Code

Spring and Hibernate are one of the most favourite frameworks to build web applications in real world. Spring not only provides a mature service layer but also gives good integration with Hibernate. Spring also provides MVC to build front end pieces and Spring security to take care of authentication and authorization. Apart from that on browser side jquery has proven itself with time. I have put together a sample web application, where one can see how the different frameworks are integrated. The web application has a login page and a listing page. 

The versions of different frameworks used are:

The web application is hosted at GitHub. Look for folder springHibernateWebApp. To run the application you will need to have Java Installed . Also you will need Maven to run it. For database it uses Postgres 9.4+ version. Though you can change it and point to any database. That's one of the advantage of using Hibernate.

Once you download the code, go to artifacts/doc/Setup.txt and follow it.

Enjoy coding :)

Video explaining the steps

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